• The script and the entirety of its contents are the property of Echo Theatre LLC and this script whether in its entirety, parts, acts, scenes, or any other wording or phrases used therein cannot be used, copied, or acted out in any way by any person or business, commercial or private, profit or nonprofit without express permission from Echo Theatre LLC. Express permission is given to those who wish to download these selected scenes for the purpose of auditioning for this production at Echo Theatre LLC. Express permission also is given to those who are cast or have registered for Echo Theatre LLC. Express permission given at any time, in any capacity, for any reason, whether written or verbal, is limited to individuals who are participating in auditions or the current production for Echo Theatre LLC and then only during the audition and/or time of that individual’s enrollment in the Echo Theatre LLC. This script or any act, scene, part or wording and also in its entirety may not be sold by any person, business, or organization other than Echo Theatre LLC or one of its managing directors. If this script is bought by any person, business, organization, or any other entity, it may not be copied or sold. The amount of scripts must equal the amount of people in any production put on outside of Echo Theatre LLC, and each script must be paid in full to Echo Theatre LLC.